Corn field with irrigationAgronomy Services

From soil analysis to nutrient management planning, Rock River Laboratory offers a comprehensive array of agronomic laboratory services. 

Soil Analysis

Nutrient analysis

Texture analysis (percentage of sand, silt, and clay)

Lawn and garden analysis

Wildlife food plot analysis

Nitrogen analysis pre-plant (PPNT) and pre-sidedress (PSNT): Nitrogen Testing Program Schedule

Plant Tissue Analysis

Potato petiole analysis

Plant tissue analysis

Plant tissue plus soil analysis

Late season corn stalk nitrate analysis

Soil Sampling and Field Mapping

Grid sampling (5.0, 3.3, or 2.5-acre)

Conventional soil sampling

GPS field boundary mapping

Nutrient Management Planning

590 Nutrient Management Plans (NMPs)

Comprehensive NMPs

Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) farm plans