- 02.14.25 - Rock River Laboratory Northeast Closed
- 01.24.25 - New Agronomy Data Distillation: An update on soil test trends
- 01.07.25 - New modeling updates dial in snaplage and earlage results
- 01.02.25 - New South Dakota Location Opens Today
- 12.02.24 - New Fatty Acid NIR Analyses for Commodities
- 11.12.24 - Enhanced Nutrition Report Features: KPS Indicators
- 10.22.24 - New Total Tract Fat Digestibility Tool
- 10.09.24 - Enhanced Nutrition Report Features: Forage Nitrate Nitrogen
- 10.08.24 - New Indiana Convenience Route
Offering a comprehensive analysis portfolio for animal nutrition success
Explore Rock River Laboratory's vast advanced feed and forage analyses and analysis packages below. For a complete list, visit our Nutrition Services page.
Feed Analysis Packages by NIR1 [Highlights only]
Comprehensive Nutrition Analysis: Comprehensive Nutrition Analysis Package Information Sheet
- The most inclusive Near-Infrared (NIR) analysis on the market
- Includes Total Fatty Acids (TFA) and individual fatty acids
- Includes Total Amino Acids (TAA) and individual amino acids
- Includes multi-time point starch digestion analysis (0,3,7,16, and 24-hour) and an improved starch Kd
- An easy-read results report incorporates 60-day and 4-year averages, and NDF and starch rumen digestion graphs
Beef Comprehensive Nutrition Analysis: Information Sheet
Includes all pieces of standard Comprehensive Nutrition Analysis (see above)
- Includes a novel modified National Research Council (NRC) Beef Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) value, and Net Energy of Gain (NEG) energy calculation
-Accounts for differences in starch digestibility, utilizing 7-hour rumen in situ starch digestion
-Utilizes Total Tract Neutral Detergent Fiber Digestibility (TTNDFD) - a fiber quality appraisal - for more accurate Net Energy of Gain (NEG) calculations
-Supported by research from Dr. Garland Dahlke of Iowa State University
NIR Analysis for Commodity Feeds and Grain Mixes
- Rapid and inexpensive options to understand commodity and grain mix variation due to vendor, date or time, or crop year
- Two packages include: Comprehensive Commodity, Commodity and Grain Mix by NIR
-The Comprehensive Commodity package includes core nutrients and NDF digestibility measures
-The Commodity and Grain Mix by NIR package includes core nutrient measurements
Dynamic CNCPS: Dynamic CNCPS Analysis Package Information Sheet
- Best utilized to describe forage analyses in CNCPS v6.55
- Offers all the information, in the format needed, to confidently and accurately balance diets
- Agrees with what the cows have to say
- Full integrates with all CNCPS v6.55-biology software via the Standard XML
Dynamic NDFD
NDF Digestibility
Corn Grain Digestibility
Equine Nutrition
Fecal Starch
Many other options
NIR Package Components of Interest
Unique aspects to Rock River Laboratory NIR nutrition analysis
Rumen in situ starch digestion: included in Comprehensive Nutrition, Dynamic CNCPS, and Corn Grain Digestibility packages
- Research-backed and accurate rumen starch digestion measure
- Proven more reliable than in vitro starch digestion
- Best reflects how cows will respond to starch in corn grain, snaplage or earlage, and corn silage
TTNDFD: Included in all NIR dynamic and comprehensive packages
- A real-time fiber digestion assessment tool
- Reflects real cow digestion and performance by forecasting how high-producing cows will respond to a new forage, before actually feeding it
- Proven through university in vivo digestion trials
- Licensed from the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Learn more about how nutritionists are utilizing TTNDFD in the field on a regular basis by downloading the TTNDFD Applications Information Sheet
Feed Analysis Packages by Wet Chemistry1 [Highlights only]
Rumen in situ Starch Digestibility
- Assesses starch digestion within the rumen of lactating dairy cattle
- TMR, corn silage, snaplage, and earlage samples (samples with more than 15% NDF) are ground coursely (6mm)
- High moisture and dry corn grains digested in form received
- Created to help quickly and efficiently identify and combat the detrimental effects of the broad spectrum of anti-nutritional factors (mycotoxins, nutrition, bacteria and stress) prevalent across the US.
- Includes mold, yeast, and Vomitoxin (DON) count
- Features mold identification
- Includes TMR Nutrient Analysis
- Incorporates wet chemistry Rumen Starch Digestion
Whey and Liquid Feed
- Includes protein and mineral measures, including Chloride
- Individual sugar analysis to accurately determine the sugar profile present
-Our most advanced sugar analysis
TMR Digestibility (TMR-D)
- Research-backed apparent digestion tool
- Determines digestion on dairy or beef herds
By-Product Core Nutrient and Energy Check
Simple Equine Analysis
Swine Energy
TMR Mixer Accuracy
Fecal Starch with Total Tract Starch Digestibility
- Analyzes the starch content of manure to provide a prediction of total tract starch digestion
- Results for this analysis are either beef or dairy animal specific
16h Rumen in situ Rumen Undegraded Protein (RUP) and RUP Intestinal Digestibility
- A protein rumen bypass and intestinal digestion measure for identifying high-quality feedstuffs
- Includes Crude Protein (CP), soluble/ washout protein, 16h rumen undegraded protein, percent of crude protein (for lactating cows), intestinal protein digestibility, and dry matter disappearance
DCAD (Dietary Cation-Anion Difference)
Additional Wet Chemistry Analysis Options1 [Highlights only; add-on to analysis packages]
PSU TMR or Forage Particle Size Analysis
Feed/Grain Particle Size
- Reports the mean particle size, standard deviation, and surface area
- Relates to rumen starch digestion
Rumen in vitro NDF Digestion or uNDF
- Single or multiple time points available by request
Fermentation Products (VFA)
- Classic fermentation measurements to help assess fermentation or preservation efficiency
- Includes research-backed fermentation shrink measure
Advanced Fermentation Products
- Includes all advanced fermentation measures as well as additional alcohols to highlight unforeseen fermentation challenges
-Ethyl Lactate and Ethyl Acetate included
- Includes research-backed fermentation shrink measure
Corn Silage Kernel Processing Score (KPS)
Multi-step Protein Evaluation via the Ross method
Anti-Nutritional (Bacteria, Fungi, and Toxin) Analyses1 [Highlights only]
Yeast and Mold Count, or Count and Identification (five-day incubation)
Rapid Mold and Yeast Count: (two-day rapid incubation)
Enterobacteria Count - broad-spectrum bacteria enumeration, measuring species in the Enterobacteriaceae family
Clostridia Perfringens Count
Basic Mycotoxin Screen
- Aflatoxin, DON, Zearlanone, T-2
Comprehensive Mycotoxin Screen
- Basic plus Fumonison and Ochratoxin
1 For a complete list of analysis packages, their inclusions, time points, and pricing, reference the Feed and Forage Analysis Pricing Guide.