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Data Distillations is published quarterly and utilizes Rock River Laboratory’s vast database of feedstuff information from across the United States, along with our expert team, to share important insights.

In an effort to help the agriculture industry stay in front of challenges and opportunities with available feedstuffs, relevant graphs will be shared, along with what our team members are gleaning based on those graphs. Prepare for and remedy the ups and downs of feedstuffs components you utilize in your rations with the help of another set of eyes. Sign up to receive alerts when new Data Distillations are available each quarter by completing the thirty-second form at the bottom of this page or click the link here

April 9, 2024

Author: John Goeser, PAS, PhD, Diplomate ACAN

Corn Grain Quality Ranges Substantially

Corn is often regarded as a commodity, however yellow number two corn contains a notable range in nutrient content and quality. Purchased corn must meet certain quality thresholds, though high-quality corn far exceeds the yellow No. 2 quality thresholds. The resulting range in shelled corn quality is likely due to several factors, such as the growing season or region the crop was grown, contributing sizable variance. 

Delving into Rock River Laboratory’s database uncovers meaningful nutritional variation present in yellow No. 2 corn, which may not be readily recognized by dairy or beef producers and their nutritionists. 

Crop year and growing conditions clearly influence corn grain quality, with notably different starch levels evident in the 2023 Midwestern and Western regions relative to the prior two crop years (Figure 2).  The regions’ starch content moved in opposite directions. 

The region where corn is grown also appears to impact nutrient content. Starch content is substantially greater in the Midwest region, but notably down for the Western region. 

While starch content drives the energy value in corn grain for dairy or beef producers, protein content and rumen starch digestibility also impact feeding value (Figures 1 and 3). Protein content is known to interact with rumen starch digestibility, and greater protein content correlates to harder grain, higher test weights, and lesser rumen starch digestibility. This is visually evident when contrasting the Midwest and Western regions. Higher protein content for Western corn grain samples corresponds with lower rumen starch digestibility, relative to the Midwest region. 

In summary, corn grain nutritional quality likely deviates substantially from feed library book values due to many different variation contributors. The range in starch content and rumen starch digestibility evident within these database summaries may be nutritionally relevant. 

Figure 1: Shelled corn protein content, % of DM, for crop years 2021, 2022, and 2023 in samples submitted to Rock River Laboratory for Eastern, Midwestern, and Western regions.

Plot of shelled corn protein content, % of DM, for crop years 2021, 2022, and 2023 in samples submitted to Rock River Laboratory for Eastern, Midwestern, and Western regions.

Figure 2: Shelled corn starch content, % of DM, for crop years 2021, 2022, and 2023 in samples submitted to Rock River Laboratory for Eastern, Midwestern, and Western regions.

Plot of shelled corn starch content, % of DM, for crop years 2021, 2022, and 2023 in samples submitted to Rock River Laboratory for Eastern, Midwestern, and Western regions.

Figure 3: Shelled corn rumen starch digestibility, % of starch, for crop years 2021, 2022, and 2023 in samples submitted to Rock River Laboratory for Eastern, Midwestern, and Western regions.

Plot of shelled corn rumen starch digestibility, % of starch, for crop years 2021, 2022, and 2023 in samples submitted to Rock River Laboratory for Eastern, Midwestern, and Western regions.

February 1, 2024

Authors: Cliff Ocker and Katie Raver, MS, PAS

Is Hygiene Holding Your Herds Back?

Feed hygiene is often overlooked when troubleshooting and reviewing what might be holding a herd back. By hygiene, we are referring to the anti-nutritional components in our feedstuffs. This can include mycotoxins, mold and yeast, enterobacteria, salmonella, and clostridia among others. While many times we check for one or two of these detriments, keep in mind the accumulative effect of several of these can mount - especially on our more stressed animals.

Now that we are well into feeding the 2023 crop, we see some trends emerging that are worth considering. Vomitoxin (DON) seems to be one of the heightened factors moving into 2024, particularly when evaluating data from the Eastern US. 

Figure 1. DON Levels for the Eastern US Over the Last Year

Plot of DON levels over time for the eastern US over the last year, from Rock River Laboratory's database

When comparing potential sources of vomitoxin in the eastern US vs Midwest, ear corn, shelled Corn, dry distillers, and corn silage are at the top of the list in both regions. However, overall levels in the east are higher than those observed in the Midwest, and overall ear corn levels look similar across regions. These samples with high vomitoxin seem to be widespread across the northeastern US and Midwest, with no one distinct area standing out as a “hotspot”, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2:  Level of DON by Feedtype, Eastern US

Leve of DON by feedtype as seen in the eastern US from Rock River Laboratory's database

Figure 3:  Level of DON by Feedtype, Midwest, US

Level of DON by feedtype as seen in the Midwestern US, from Rock River Laboratory's database

Figure 4:  East and Midwest US, Location and Levels of DON

Map of eastern and midwestern US location and levels of DON, as seen from Rock River Laboratory's database

Similar to DON levels, we are seeing an uptick in the levels of Enterobacteria in certain parts of the US. Figures 4 and 5 show different areas of the US and the associated increase in the level of Enterobacteria in recent months. Enterobacteria are a class of gram-negative bacteria, typically associated with the GI tract and most commonly introduced into feed through manure contamination.

Figure 5: Enterobacteria Levels in All Feeds from Across the US Over the Last Year

Plot of enterobacteria levels in all feeds from across the US over the last year from Rock River Laboratory's database

Contributing factors of enterobacteria in the diet from data across the US (n sampled > 10) include small grains silage, corn silage, legumes, and shelled corn. Although the majority of the feeds listed in these tables are ensiled, dry feeds can also be a potential source of Enterobacter as well.

Figure 6:  Levels of enterobacteria by Feed Type

Bar graph of levels of enterobacteria by feed type, based on Rock River Laboratory database

If you feel that hygiene items may be affecting on-farm performance, feel free to reach out to our team., We offer feed hygiene packages or individually test for areas of concern. We can also provide data showing the prevalence and levels that we have found in feedstuffs across the US.

October 31, 2023

Author: John Goeser, PhD, PAS, Diplomate ACAN

2023 Hay and Haylage Quality Across the US

The 2023 growing season ended up being a contrast to 2022 for many. Dry conditions to start the year contrasted with 2022’s generally desirable growing conditions for Midwestern and Eastern growers. To the West and South, the decade-long drought gave way to snow and rainfall and provided moisture for growers. The resulting impact on the 2023 alfalfa and grass crops for hay or haylage has proven fascinating. 

Hay and haylage quality is primarily determined by fiber content, understanding fiber is the least digestible nutrient in forage. The calories in fiber unlocked by dairy or beef cattle are generally half that realized from starch, sugar or protein. With this in mind, crop quality summaries begin with assessing fiber content. For this Data Distillation, crop year can be defined as April 1 through October 1, 2023. 

Western Hay

The increase in snow, irrigation, and rainfall equated to greater fiber content in 2023 hay relative to the prior two crop years as highlighted in Figure 1. Often, fiber content and fiber digestibility are negatively correlated, understanding that more mature hay tends to have higher fiber content. Indeed, the total tract NDF digestibility (Figure 2; TTNDFD, % aNDF) decreased for 2023 relative to the prior two crop years. Interpreting these two observations, the hay quality for the West is down substantially for 2023.

Figure 1: Western US hay fiber content (aNDF, % DM) for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory since 2021.

Plot of western US hay fiber content (NDF) as a percent of dry matter, for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory between 2021 and October 1, 2023.

Figure 2: Western US hay fiber digestibility (TTNDFD, % aNDF) for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory since 2021.

Plot of Western US hay fiber digestibility (TTNDFD) as a percent of aNDF, for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory between 2021 and October 1, 2023.

Midwestern Haylage

Contrasting with the Western hay observations, the Midwestern haylage crop was very different, being substantially lower in fiber content compared with the 2021 and 2022 growing season (Figure 3). These observations are attributed to the drier growing conditions and likely greater leaf to stem ratios, understanding leaves are higher in protein than stems. The fiber digestibility was not dramatically different from prior years (Figure 4), however with less fiber growers and producers should expect substantially greater energy value in 2023 haylage. 

Figure 3: Midwestern US haylage fiber content (aNDF, % DM) for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory since 2021.

Plot of Midwestern US haylage fiber content (NDF) as a percent of dry matter, for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory between 2021 and October 1, 2023.

Figure 4: Midwestern US haylage fiber digestibility (TTNDFD, % aNDF) for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory since 2021.

Plot of Midwestern US haylage fiber digestibility (TTNDFD), as a percent of aNDF, for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory between 2021 and October 1, 2023.

Eastern Haylage

For the Eastern US growers, the 2023 haylage fiber content was up relative to prior years (Figure 5), however the fiber digestibility was also up (Figure 6). These two observations may be unexpected but could suggest growing conditions positively impacted the fiber digestibility to a greater extent than harvest maturity when evaluated across the crop year. The energy value for Eastern US haylage appears to be average thanks to slightly increased fiber content coupled with greater fiber digestibility. 

In summary, the 2023 growing season yielded very different results compared with 2021 or 2022 across three different US regions. There are likely within region and within farm deviations from these summaries, however the growing season clearly continues to have a substantial impact upon forage quality.

Figure 5: Eastern US haylage fiber content (aNDF, % DM) for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory since 2021.

Plot of eastern US haylage fiber content aNDF as a percent of dry matter for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory between 2021 and October 1, 2023.

Figure 6: Eastern US haylage fiber digestibility (TTNDFD, % aNDF) for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory since 2021.

Plot of Eastern US haylage fiber digestibility (TTNDFD) as a percent of aNDF, for samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory between 2021 and October 1, 2023.

September 5th, 2023

Author: Cliff Ocker

How long should we let corn silage ferment before feeding it? 

As nutritionists, we are often asked this exact question every fall. For some, inventories may be running out and they have no choice but to feed new crop corn silage immediately.  However, if we can manage our inventories, what are some of the benefits of letting the silage ferment prior to feeding it? And how long should that be?

Knowing that cows like consistency, fermented feed provides a much more consistent forage base for the animals, as compared with fresh feeds. When we feed fresh forages, we need to consider things like nitrate levels and heating/unstable forages. Once fermented, we have a lower pH, a more stable forage in terms of lactic and acetic acids, as well as a forage with much more digestible nutrients.

Good management practices at harvest will help ensure the best outcome from fermentation and a stable and consistent forage. Proper whole plant moisture is key when harvesting corn silage to make sure the forage can be packed appropriately and keep oxygen out for fermentation. This creates a quick drop in pH and allows lactic and acetic acids to cure and stabilize the forage. Proper fermentation will also help keep anti-nutritional factors - like molds, yeasts, and soil-borne pathogens - at bay.

There are many benefits to the fermentation process.  First, a quick and efficient fermentation will use or burn up fewer nutrients than an inadequate fermentation. Water soluble carbohydrates (sugars) are some of the first to become bug/bacteria food, and a quick fermentation will utilize less of these nutrients, thus leaving them available for the animal as an energy source. Other nutrients become more available or digestible over time in storage.  Ammonia levels also increase, providing more soluble protein. Plus, starch will become more digestible over time.

Figure 1 shows how pH changes over time in one of the previous corn silage crop years.  This is reviewing all of the Rock River Laboratory data and assuming that corn silage was all harvested around Sept 1st

Plot of pH vs. date showcasing corn silage pH change over time in storage, according to Rock River Laboratory's database

Figure 2 provides a graphic of how lactic acid changes over time. 

Plot of lactic acid vs. date showcasing corn silage lactic acid change over time in storage, according to Rock River Laboratory's database

Figures 3 and 4 show starch digestibility change over time in storage from different crop years. As we know, a number of factors influence grain from year to year.

Plots of in situ starch digestibility at 7 hrs. vs. date showcasing corn silage starch digestibility changes over time in storage, according to Rock River Laboratory's database

Plot of in situ starch digestibility at 7hrs vs. date showcasing corn silage starch digestibility change over time in storage, according to Rock River Laboratory's database

We like to think that forages are fermented and ready to feed in three weeks and while much of the fermentation process is complete by then, note the potential benefits to further changes over time in storage. Perhaps we should consider managing to let our corn silage crop sit for a couple of months to have the most consistent and most digestible forage for our herds. 

August 9th, 2023

Author: Katie Raver, MS, PAS

When assumptions translate to economic deficiencies

When it comes to feed, there are many assumptions that we accept as fact, just based on how long we have been doing so. However, as we dig into feed data and are able to watch feed trends over time, it showcases why assumptions can be detrimental and should be questioned. One common assumption is that moisture changes are indicative of other nutrient changes in feed. So if we don’t see big changes in moisture, we may assume other things aren’t changing. However, we know that this is not always the case. As seen in Figure 1, we may assume due to the relatively stable nature of the moisture content that all other nutrients are also stable. 

Figure 1: Corn silage three sample average moisture over time

Line graph of corn silage three sample rolling moisture average from Rock River Laboratory's database between December and September 2022

When we look at the nutritional data from these samples, surprises ensue. Figure 2 showcases starch over the same period of time. When moisture was changing, starch was relatively stable, and at the end of this graph moisture is stable and starch is rapidly changing. These changes in starch, unaccounted for, can lead to unexpected changes in ration nutrient composition and starch load. If not corrected, this oversupply of starch has immense economic value. At 10 pounds of dry matter (DM) intake corn silage per head per day, the additional starch in this example is equivalent to one additional pound of corn or nearly 12 cents. 

Figure 2: Corn silage three sample average starch over time

Line graph of corn silage three sample rolling starch average from Rock River Laboratory's database between December and September 2022

We may also assume that this just applies to forages, however the same is true with commodities. Figure 3 showcases that while this soybean meal (SBM) moisture was relatively consistent over this 6-month period, there was often a 1-1.5-unit swing in crude protein (CP). This may seem like a relatively minor difference, but such changes in CP could easily account for 0.05-0.1 pounds of CP per head per day or around 3 cents per head per day. 

Figure 3: Soybean meal three sample average crude protein over time vs. moisture over time

Line graph of soybean meal three sample rolling Crude Protein average versus moisture average from Rock River Laboratory's database between December and September 2022

It’s likely tempting to use moisture as a gauge for overall feed changes, but there are countless instances similar to the aforementioned that showcase why this can be very misleading. In times of low margin, such assumptions are costly. Understanding the true and comprehensive feed nutritional value can have a positive benefit on the bottom line in addition to assuring our formulated ration closely matches the fed ration. 

May 9th, 2023

Author: John Goeser, PhD, PAS

Corn grain trending harder

Starch digestibility in starch-rich feeds is increasingly recognized to affect dairy and beef performance, feed conversion efficiency, and farm profitability. Dairy and beef nutritionists will readily assess corn silage, high moisture corn, or snaplage starch digestibility using rumen in situ starch digestibility measures, with a 7h rumen incubation period. Commercial feed analysis near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) models have sufficiently evolved to accurately measure starch digestibility as impacted by growing environment, seed genetics, plant nutrient metabolism and health, and fermentation extent. 

Each of these factors is known to have an impact on starch digestibility, and in situ rumen starch digestibility NIRS models help farmers benchmark their feeds while making nutrition adjustments to improve profitability. Dry ground corn grain starch digestibility is not affected by fermentation, given none has occurred. However, shelled corn hardness and starch digestibility can be influenced by seed genetics, plant nutrient metabolism and health, and growing environment. NIRS in situ rumen starch digestibility models are also robust for dry ground corn. 

Historically, yellow No. 2 corn has been assumed a commodity. Feed library values have driven diet formulation and feed purchasing decisions. Thanks to commercial feed analysis advances and more farmers testing their grain, consistency in commodity corn grain is being questioned. Meaningful deviations in nutrient content and starch digestibility have been uncovered on a case-by-case basis. Now, with thousands of dry corn analyses over the past three crop years to draw insight from, an impactful trend has come to light. The 2021 and 2022 crop years’ dry ground corn is less digestible. 

Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate the population distributions for starch content and in situ rumen starch digestibility with dry corn samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory for the Midwestern and Eastern US regions. Notably, there is slightly less starch content in 2022 and 2021 crop years, relative to 2020 corn. More importantly, though, the corn grain in situ rumen starch digestibility is lagging behind, with 2022 corn around 10 percent less than 2020 corn.

Figure 1: Dry ground corn starch content, % of dry matter, for thousands of samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory over crop years 2020, 2021, and 2022 for Midwestern and Eastern US.

Graphed representation of crop years 2020 - 2022 vs. starch representing dry ground corn starch content levels as a percent of dry matter from the RRL database

Figure 2: Dry ground corn in situ rumen starch digestibility, 7h, % of starch, for thousands of samples analyzed by Rock River Laboratory over crop years 2020, 2021, and 2022 for Midwestern and Eastern US.

Graphed representation of crop years 2020 - 2022 vs. 7 hour in situ rumen starch digestibility, as a percent of starch, representing dry ground corn levels from the RRL database

Do not assume that commercial dry ground corn is a consistent commodity. Rather, consider checking your corn quality and discuss the impact that measured corn grain quality and digestibility have, relative to feed library benchmarks. Corn grain is increasingly valuable, and decreasing corn grain particle size can help offset less digestibility. Future data distillations will discuss corn grain particle size and revisit the relationship with rumen starch digestibility.

April 3rd, 2023

Author: Cliff Ocker

Don't Overlook the Opportunities with Small Grain Silage

As spring has sprung, those with livestock look to planting and harvesting crops for another year. One of the first in the new crop season will be small grain silage.  Interestingly, looking at lab data, this crop tends to be quite variable in terms of quality. Several reasons exist for that but consider ahead of time what your goal is for this feedstuff and maximize the harvesting opportunity.

Small grains can be planted as a cover crop, double-cropped for extra forage for dairy or beef, or to let go to harvest the grain. Whatever the plans for this crop, it is best to know ahead of time what quality of feed is sought as this crop can change quite rapidly.  Likely, the biggest influencer of quality for small grain silage is maturity. If seeking more tonnage vs a high-quality dairy forage, the timing to make it may be different. 

Looking at crop year data over the past three years, similar quality swings within crop years can be seen. Figure 1 shows Total Tract NDFD (TTNDFD) for small grain silages.  TTNDFD is a calculated value based on four different NDF Digestibility time points and does a better job quantifying fiber digestibility than, say, Relative Feed Quality (RFQ).  The average TTNDFD of small grain silage is running in the low to mid 40’s with the lower quality samples 10 points below the average, while the best quality is 10 points above. Again, depending on the goals for the forage, this can have huge implications for livestock.

Figure 1: TTNDFD of Small Grain Silages

Crop Yearp15Meanp85StDev
2020 35.98 44.39 53.85 7.97
2021 33.756 43.73 53.73 8.72
2022 34.49 43.09 52.00 7.88

Once the crop’s goal has been determined, keep an eye out for maturity, then look for a window (in the weather) to harvest the forage.  Harvesting at the correct moisture is another key factor that influences not only the forage quality, but also fermentation and shelf-life. Depending on the storage type, typically a DM of between 30 and 40 percent works best.  Less than 30 percent DM will typically create runoff or loss of nutrients, while over 40 percent DM can create packing challenges on this softer crop. 

Putting up a clean feed is another component of high-quality forage.  Soil contamination can be a major challenge when harvesting this crop since it’s cut so close to the ground. Natural ash levels in small grain silage typically run between 7 and 9 percent. Note in Figure 2 that the best (15th Percentile) ash levels are at 9 percent ash, with an average of 11 percent and many samples running above 14 percent.  Ash acts as a buffer in the fermentation process, elongating fermentation and slowing the pH drop.  A less-than-ideal fermentation allows molds and yeast to grow and multiply while feeding on the very nutrients that were meant for livestock consumption.

Figure 2: Ash Content Levels of Small Grain Silages

Crop Yearp15Meanp85StDev
2020 9.05 11.37 13.78 2.35
2021 9.14 11.64 14.17 2.49
2022 9.26 11.92 14.59 2.58

Small grain silage can be a great crop to feed alongside or help stretch other forages further in the ration.  Decide what quality of forage you would like and work to hit the correct maturity at harvest, harvest rapidly, and with as little soil contamination as possible.  Hitting the correct moisture will help get an appropriate pack (density) and provide a better fermentation that produces high-quality forage for the best performance of your livestock.

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