Latest News

10.09.24 - Enhanced Nutrition Report Features: Forage Nitrate Nitrogen

Today we are launching a new, novel Forage Nitrate Nitrogen indicator on Rock River Laboratory nutrition analysis reports. These new categorical predictions stand to assist our customers by supplying additional information to guide decision-making. Learn more about this new report feature in our downloadable FAQs document, and choose any of our Comprehensive Nutrition Analysis (CNA) by NIR packages to start seeing this reported - for applicable feed types!

10.08.24 - New Indiana Convenience Route

A new Convenience Route has been set up in Indiana. Get your samples to Rock River Laboratory - Ohio in a timely manner using our new drop boxes spread out across key locations in the state, with pickups on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Check out the exact drop off spots, and pickup timing, on our website map here, or in the FeedScan app after collecting your samples!

10.02.24 - New Data Distillation: The Dirty Truth About Straw

A new Data Distillation is now available! Learn more about what's hiding in the straw you might be incorporating into the ration, with references from our robust database, from team member Cliff Ocker. Read it here.

09.26.24 - Agronomy Customer Reminders for Fall Soil Season

As the fall soil season begins, we're sharing a few reminders to ensure that your samples make it safely to the laboratory for analysis: 

  • If dropping samples at a dropbox, please don't wedge samples into dropboxes - place them next to the box in a container or box and our drivers will collect them at pickup
  • If placing loose samples into our dropboxes, please don't insert more than 20 soil samples. 
  • Please keep box weights within the 35 to 40 pounds at most so our drivers can safely pick them up
  • If you'd like to be on our regular soil pickup routes, please call Geoff at 920-342-0374

We wish everyone a safe and successful fall season!

07.01.24 - Rock River Laboratory Ohio: New Convenience Route

Rock River Laboratory-Ohio has added a new Convenience Route drop box at Cornerstone Merchandise (7316 Amstutz Rd. Shiloh,OH).

Get all the details for these convenient new sample drop locations, here.

06.26.24 - Rock River Laboratory New York: New Convenience Routes

Rock River Laboratory-Northeast has added two new Convenience Route drop boxes at Verona Veterinary Services (5633 NY-31 Verona, NY) and Gold Star Feed and Grain (1 Richer Drive Adams Center, NY).

Get all the details for these convenient new sample drop locations, here.

06.11.24 - Rock River Laboratory Welcomes Two Summer Interns

Rock River Laboratory is happy to welcome two new summer inters, Amèrica Bernal and Tyler DeGroot, to the team. Read more about them here.

05.23.24 - New Blog Post: High Oleic Soybeans: The feed of the future?

The latest blog post written by John Goeser discussing the pros and cons of incorporating high oleic soybeans into a dairy ration is now available. Read it here.

05.13.24 - New Technical Bulltein: MILK2024 Implications

The latest technical bullletin is now available! Our analysis of the Milk2024 index implications for animal nutrition can be found here.

04.08.24 - New Data Distillation: Corn Grain Quality

A new Data Distillation is now available! Learn how the 2023 Miwestern and Western shelled corn quality looks against prior years, according to our database, as outlined by team member John Goeser. Read it here.

02.21.24 - Western New York Convenience Route Additions

We have expanded our dropbox options to Rock River Laboratory New York! Two new boxes have been added for customer convenience on the western New York route. Location details can be found here, as well as within the FeedScan app. Both boxes are picked up on Tuesdays and Thursdays when we are notified. Please call before 5pm when samples are dropped at either box:

Country Crossroads Feed & Seed

94 Front St.

Addison, NY 14801


Maybury Farms

1535 Yellow Tavern Rd.

Waterloo, NY 13165

01.08.24 - Sign Up for Text Alerts and be the First to Know Weather-Influenced Changes

As winter rolls on and weather predictions become a little more harsh, now is a great time to sign up for Rock River Laboratory text alerts. Be the first to know if Convenience Routes are cancelled or labs are closed due to inclement weather. Text alerts are one more easy-to-use tool to help your day run a little smoother. Click here for details on how to sign up for your region or lab of choice. 

01.04.24 - New Ohio Convenience Route and Wisconsin Route Additions

Beginning Tuesday, 1/9, Rock River Laboratory-Ohio will be collecting samples from a new Convenience Route. Customers can now drop samples in Rock River Laboratory marked dropboxes at the following locations to get samples to the lab for analysis. Please note, this route only run on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Centerra Country Store

1290 Middle Rowsburg Rd., Ashland, OH

Tuesday and Thursday,

After 4:00 PM

WG Dairy Supply

12993 Cleveland Rd., Suite B, Creston, OH

Tuesday and Thursday,

After 4:30 PM

Hartville Strip Mall 238 Kent Ave. NE, Hartville, OH

Tuesday and Thursday,

After 5:15 PM

Progressive Dairy Solutions 3990 OH-14, Columbiana, OH

Tuesday and Thursday,

After 6:00 PM

The Wisconsin Convenience Route is also adding a location! Customers on the east side of the state can begin utilizing a Rock River Laboratory dropbox at Fleet Farm, 800 S. Military Rd., Fond Du Lac, Wis. on Monday, 1/8. Pickup time will be 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday. 

All location addresses will be available on our website map as well as on FeedScan starting 1/9 for easy access when you're on the road. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to work on expanding opportunities for sample submission logistics!