Corn silage in cardboard boats for laboratory analysis.Seed Industry Forage Services

Analysis and data tools tailored to your needs.

Complex varieties, advanced genetics, animal nutrition progress, and even the future of some fuels start at the seed level. As the seed industry continuously seeks genetic progress, a forage laboratory partner that can help analyze and grow data for development in all of these sectors is necessary. We can fill this need and differentiate varieties that may be the key to industry evolution with:

  • On-staff industry expertise
  • Unique forage analyses
  • Customized tools and programs
  • Contract research abilities
  • Easy sample submission
  • Unparalleled customer service

Learn more about our unique tests, customized data handling, contract research opportunities and easy sample submission at the links below.

Total Tract Neutral Detergent Fiber Digestion

A fiber quality measurement, TTNDFD expands insight into ruminant fiber digestion to completely differentiate the genetic potential of forage varieties. TTNDFD captures a more complete picture of a forage’s digestion over time. Incorporating 24, 30, 48 and 240h NDFD time points, TTNDFD showcases the differences among forages more completely than NDFD30 values - adding a more powerful dimension to the genetic selection process. This helps to separate the best from the better.

Learn more about the forage seed opportunities available with this advanced analysis on our info sheet here

Starch Digestion

Unlike traditional in vitro measures, Rock River Laboratory assesses starch digestion within lactating cannulated cows using in situ rumen starch digestion analysis. This research-backed tool is proven to be more reliable than in vitro starch digestion, provides an accurate rumen starch digestion measure, and best reflects how cows will respond to starch in forages. Rock River Laboratory also offers multi-time point starch digestion analyses at 0, 3, 7, 16, and 24 hours allowing you to plot and see when and where starch digestion takes place.

Contract Research

Using a consultative, customized approach, Rock River Laboratory provides the research project guidance and data needed for product evaluation and overall industry progress. Combined with our experienced team and deeply rooted scientific methodology, Rock River Laboratory can provide advanced solutions to various research needs. Experimental project design, custom analysis, data interpretation and identification of marketable attributes offer a vast array of opportunities for your company as a means to establish credibility behind your products.

Learn more here.