Guidelines, Handling, and Methods
The nuts and bolts of analysis to help guide your nutrition decisions
Sample Handling
Processes are a key component of scientific accuracy, and Rock River Laboratory prefers to stay transparent with our customers regarding the processes and timelines we utilize to derive accurate feedstuff measurements. Utilize the tools here to quickly and easily learn key definitions and subsequent processes used to derive the values seen on nutrition results reports from Rock River Laboratory:
A-B-C's of Rock River Laboratory Nutrition Analysis
Our animals used for in vitro and in situ digestion assays are cared for and used under an IACUC protocol by University of Wisconsin-Madison staff and veterinarians.
Agronomy Guidelines
Utilize these University of Wisconsin-Madison-derived guidelines for nutrient applications on Wisconsin field, vegetable, and fruit crops. This helpful booklet includes soil sampling instructions, soil analysis procedures, and nutrient requirement guides: Nutrient application guidelines for field, vegetable, and fruit crops in Wisconsin
Growers can now realize exceptional soybean yields with the right management, including soil and plant tissue analysis, and help from their partner agronomists. Learn more in our 'Managing soybeans for the next century' technical bulletin.
Dairy, Beef, and Equine Agricultural Guidelines
Aerobic Bacteria and Organic Matter Bedding Guidelines
Corn Silage Kernel Processing Score (KPS) Guidelines and Benchmarks
Dynamic Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) Kd Guidelines
Forage, Feed, and Water Nitrate Guidelines and Dietary Limits for Cattle
Fungal and Bacterial Count Guidelines for Agricultural Feed and Total Mixed Rations
Rumen in situ Starch Digestion
Rumen in situ Undegraded Protein (RUP) and Dry Matter Digestion (DMD) Guidelines
Rumen in vitro NDF Digestibility Guidelines
Mycotoxin Guidelines and Dietary Limits
Total Mixed Ration Digestibility (TMRD) Guidelines
Total Tract Fat Digestibility (TTFD) Benchmarks
Total Tract NDF Digestibility (TTNDFD) Guidelines
Forage and Corn Fermentation Compound Guidelines
Forage Fermentation DM Loss Guidelines